The Letter From Theo to Vincent van Gogh_T41

Letter T41 1 Paris, 14 July 1890

My dear brother,

We are very glad to learn that you are feeling less dispirited on account of unsettled business questions than when you were here. The danger is really not as serious as you thought. If only we can continue in good health, which will permit us to undertake what is growing little by little into a necessity in our minds, all will go well.

Disappointments? �certainly, but we are no beginners, and we are like wagoners who by the supreme efforts of their horses almost reach the top of the hill, do an about-turn, and then, often with one more push, manage to gain the top.

If only we could always keep this in mind.

Today we are finishing the packing of our trunks in order to start for Leyden tomorrow morning 2. From there I shall go to Mesdag on Wednesday to speak with him about Corot, and after that to Antwerp with a picture by Diaz.

Although the eight days are past now, those gentlemen have not said a word about what they intend to do with me.

Enclosed you are receiving 50 francs. If I should have the good fortune to do business during my trip, it would make things still easier for me. Goodbye, old fellow; I shall probably be back after eight days.

Kindest regards from Jo, and believe me your loving brother.

Theo 1. This is Theo’s last letter to Vincent [Jo’s note, but see T41a].

2. See Vincent’s letter 650.