The Letter From Vincent van Gogh to Theo_624

Letter 624 St.-Rémy, 31 January 1890

Dear Jo,

It moves me so much that you write to me and are so calm and master of yourself on one of your difficult nights. How I am longing to get the news that you have come safely through, and that your child is living.

How happy Theo will be, and a new sun will rise inside him when he sees you recovering.

Forgive me if I warn you that in my opinion recovery takes a long time and is no easier than being ill. Our parents knew this too, and following them in this might almost seem our duty.

Well, I myself am also thinking of you people these days. I am feeling better, but have again had a few days like the others, when I did not know exactly what was going on, and was upset 2.

But you see that the quietness is coming back. I read Theo’s letter with the enclosed 50 francs along with your letter; he writes me things which give me much pleasure. And I hope to send him some of my work shortly.

But how I am longing to hear of the good result of your struggle.

Tell him that I got a nice letter from Gauguin. And if Wil is still with you �as I suppose �tell her that I received her letter and hope to answer it soon.

She too will be so happy if you and your child get on well, and it is so very good to be present at times like these. And Mother at Leyden will rejoice in it more than anybody else, for I believe she has been longing such a long time for life to become somewhat happier for Theo. Well, I shall be glad when I may congratulate him and you, and I hope that time has already arrived.

In thought always with you and him,

Your brother, Vincent

I do not write more as I am not yet quite calm. Goodbye for now.

1. Written in Dutch. See letter T 26, to which this is a reply.

2. On January 29 Dr. Peyron wrote Theo that Vincent had again had a crisis after a trip to Arles.