The Letter From Vincent van Gogh to Theo_491

© Copyright 2001 R. G. Harrison Letter 491 Arles, 20 May 1888

My dear Theo,

I see that I did not put in the sample of the canvas in the list for Tasset. So I am sending it with this letter.

I had hoped to hear from you today, thinking that you surely would have received the case.

I remember having written on the dispatch form that the case was to be delivered at the house.

But as stuff sent by goods train often remains standing in the station, if you have not already received the case, you had better call and see.

I have got them to repaint the house, the front, the doors, and the windows both inside and out. Only I must pay 10 francs as my share. But I think that it will be very well worth it.

I am working with pleasure.

I have asked for some watercolours because I would like to make some open drawings, to be washed afterward in flat tints like the Japanese prints.

I hope you will have as fine a Sunday in Paris as we are having here; there is a glorious sun, and no wind.

Write me at once, I have no money at all.

With a handshake for you and Koning.

Yours, Vincent

What exactly is the exchange that Koning is to make with me? He asked me for two drawings for one study of his. I accepted, telling him to give you the study, but I have had no reply to that. If it means that friend Koning has changed his mind and would prefer not to exchange anything, of course I shall not insist at all.