Portrait of a One-Eyed Man


Portrait of a One-Eyed Man Nederland Vincent van Gogh Gallery and Appreciation

The One-eyed Man is a portrait of a patient at the Saint-Paul asylum in Saint-Rémy. Van Gogh used sweeping brushstrokes in the painting made with green in the background, the man's coat and touches in his face. In the hospital Van Gogh found that in the presence of other patients he became more calm about his mental state. In a letter to his mother he wrote, "At the moment I am working on a portrait of one of the patients here. It is odd that if one is with them for a time, and has grown used to them, one no longer thinks them mad."

There's a problem with timing here. Van Gogh was not in Saint-Paul's until 1889. Maybe the patient that Van Gogh referred to in the letter to his mother was about Portrait of a Patient.